COP26 and commodities What to expect Image

COP26 will kick off on 31st October in Glasgow. It is uncertain whether the global community can deliver with actions to match its ambition to put the world on a 1.5°C pathway. Join CRU Sustainability to learn more about what COP26 might achieve on its four goals: global collaboration, finance, mitigation, and adaptation. We will focus on the implications for the commodity industries.

CRU experts will address the following topics:
• Climate commitments: will major economies - USA, China, EU and India – promise to do more to address the climate challenge, and can COP26 help them achieve their ambitions?

• Decarbonisation: how the role of governments and capital markets might ratchet up in order to incentivise the transition of the industry to net zero? What does it mean for carbon pricing?

• Energy Transition: what type of targets, sectoral pathways, and support will we need to help us hit a 1.5°C world. How will it affect the commodity value chain such as steel and transport?

Presented By: Jumana Saleheen, Frank Eich, Sarah Macnaughton, Wan Ling

Date: 28 Oct 2021


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