CRU Breakfast returns to London's Waldorf Hilton on Tuesday 1st of October.
Our analysts and experts will be available to discuss the critical issues, challenges, and opportunities in the commodity markets. This is an eagerly anticipated event during LME Week and we hope to see you there again this year.
Registration has now closed for this year. Look out for on-demand content following the event.
"The Transformative Forces that will Define the Next Era of the Metals Industry"
CRU Commodity Outlooks: "Winners and Losers for 2025"
Panel Discussion: "Debating the Impact the Transformative Forces will have on our Commodity Outlooks"
Panel Discussion: "The Challenge and Cost of Standing Out in Pursuit of Decarbonisation"
For more information about the event, head over to CRU's Thought Leadership page to watch on-demand recordings from CRU Breakfast 2023.
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