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Speaker Wan Ling

Head of Chinese Analysis, Aluminium View profile

Speaker Richard Lu

Senior Analyst View profile

In this Market Roundup we share what our China team is hearing on-the-ground in Beijing around the coronavirus and its effects on the commodities markets.

Register via the link below to watch the video in full.

Speaker Wan Ling

Head of Chinese Analysis, Aluminium View profile

Speaker Richard Lu

Senior Analyst View profile

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how the coronavirus affects global commodity markets

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How the coronavirus affects global commodity markets

The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is spreading quickly. There are now over 10,000 confirmed infections and the death toll exceeded 200 people on Friday 31 January. The...

31 January 2020   
Topics: Aluminium, Aluminium Raw Materials, Coal, Copper, Covid-19, Ferroalloys, Lead, Nickel, Nitrogen, Noble Alloys and Minor Metals, Phosphates, Potassium, Precious Metals, Stainless Steel, Steel, Steelmaking Raw Materials, Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid, Technology Metals, Tin, Uranium, Wire and Cable, Zinc
coronavirus putting pressure on iron ore prices


Coronavirus putting pressure on iron ore prices

Topics: Covid-19, Steelmaking Raw Materials